Telco’s in India have rapidly expanded the commercial coverage of 5G services across the
country. Next Generation 5G Networks coupled with Industrial Internet of Things ( IIOT ) for
Enterprises can be transformative for several industry verticals including high – tech
manufacturing, automotive, retail, healthcare, logistics and public utilities which envision
the enormous revenue opportunity for the entire ecosystem.
The Enterprise 5G Leadership Summit is poised to become one of the most high-profile and
successful Enterprise 5G event in India. The Enterprise 5G Leadership Summit is being
organised by producers of IoT Innovation Conclave – India’s first pioneer IoT industry forum
having completed successful 12 years since its inception receiving fantastic praise and
feedback from its many high-level attendees. With a proven track record of fostering
collaboration – this summit is must-attend for industry stakeholders to connect, learn and
We have a simple mission to help your company gain the insights you need to develop your strategy for deploying Enterprise 5G solutions. Enterprise 5G Leadership Summit is dedicated to helping you identify what the opportunities are, and which particular strategies your company can develop today to harness the power of these disruptive technologies.
Registration(s) are NOT refundable. However, you can substitute a delegate to take your place or you may credit your registration to a future conference. All cancellation(s) must be initimated latest by one day prior to the event; failing which you won't be eligible for any cancellation benefits.
Delegate Participation Fee
INR 6,000 / USD 150
(which includes entrance to the conference, delegate kit, refreshments and networking luncheon.)
This is an exclusive event for professionals. Complete the online form to register your interest and you will receive an email
acknowledging your registration.
Team Enterprise 5G Leadership Summit 2025 would be happy to help you,